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Immigration Law: Humanitarian Immigration Relief

The world is in a constant state of change. Natural disasters happen or political unrest can disrupt peace and harmony without warning. The world reacts and responds. In the United States, our legal system, by design, evolves and adapts to this constant change as necessary, especially in the realm of immigration law. Humanitarian-based immigration relief is available in the United States to protect those from other countries in need of aid and can even offer protection from deportation. Based in Atlanta, our attorneys at Schwartz Posel Immigration Law Group not only provide exceptional service to our clients around the world, but they also have the knowledge and experience to adjust, modify and evolve their legal strategies as necessary to adapt to the ever-changing nature of immigration law. Our attorney, Rachel Binstock, focuses her practice on helping clients with all aspects of humanitarian immigration relief.

Options For Humanitarian-Based Immigration

There are multiple options for which to base an application for humanitarian immigration. For example:

  • The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): protects victims of domestic abuse
  • U visas: protect victims of certain qualifying crimes who have suffered physical and/or mental abuse and are helpful to law enforcement
  • T visas: protect victims of human trafficking
  • Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ): petitions protect children who have fallen under the jurisdiction of the court due to abandonment, neglect, or abuse

Humanitarian relief is available to anyone who is not a citizen of the United States and designed to offer temporary relief from oppressive situations. Humanitarian relief can also offer protection from deportation and often leads to permanent residence in the U.S.

Humanitarian relief is available to anyone who is not a citizen of the United States and designed to offer temporary relief from oppressive situations. Humanitarian relief can also offer protection from deportation.

What Is Humanitarian Parole?

Humanitarian parole allows a foreigner to enter the United States for a limited period of time due to urgent humanitarian needs or a compelling emergency. It is available to those individuals who may not otherwise be eligible to enter the U.S. It is often used to:

  • Seek medical treatment in the U.S.
  • Visit a sick family member who resides in the U.S.
  • Attend the funeral of a deceased family member

Humanitarian parole may also be utilized if there is a significant public benefit for a person’s entry into the U.S. For example, the noncitizen is serving as an organ donor or appearing as a witness in a legal proceeding.

The process for adjusting your existing status in the U.S. based on humanitarian relief or applying for humanitarian relief or parole can be complicated. Our humanitarian relief immigration attorney, Rachel Binstock can help.

Seeking Humanitarian Immigration Relief? Call Today.

Our immigration attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience. If you are seeking immigration based on humanitarian purposes or any other reason, we can help. Call us today at 770-951-1100 or send us an email using our online form to schedule your initial consultation.