Do you need an employment visa? You have options

On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2020 | Employment Immigration

If you’re interested in traveling to the United States for business-related reasons, you have a variety of options available to you. The same holds true if you have the intention of staying in the country to pursue a career.

The key to success is obtaining knowledge of each type of employment visa, thus allowing you to follow the path that gives you the best chance of success.

Here are some of your many options:

  • B-1 business visitor: With this, business visitors have the ability to travel to the United States, for business related purposes, for as long as six months. However, this visa does not permit you to receive payment for services or obtain employment.
  • H-1B: This type of visa is designated for people in “specialty occupations.” If an employer wants to use this program, they must guarantee that all U.S. co-workers are given notice of the arrival of the employee, that the worker will not affect the working conditions within the company, that the worker will receive pay at or above the rate offered to others for the same position and that there is no current lockout.
  • H-3 job trainees: This is for people coming to the U.S. to receive training through an approved on-the-job training program. Furthermore, the training that they’re seeking must not be available in their home country.
  • O-1: This type of visa is for aliens with high-level ability in athletics, business, education, arts or sciences. Also, those coming on an O-1 visa should only have plans to stay on a temporary basis.
  • P-1: Available to athletes and entertainers who are not eligible to enter the United States via an O-1 visa.

If you’re interested in immigrating to the United States for work or business-related reasons, it’s critical to understand the many types of visas you can take advantage of.

Depending on your circumstances, you may need to work directly with your imminent employer to obtain a visa.

If you have questions, concerns or are dealing with a denial, it’s important to take a step back to learn more and consider the best path forward.



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