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Things to know about the visa process

On Behalf of | May 23, 2019 | The Visa Process

If you plan on temporarily residing in Georgia or somewhere else in the United States under a visa status, you will have a lot of paperwork to complete and may have several challenges to overcome, as well. At some point, you’ll have to attend an interview. If you are applying for a non-immigrant visa, you may have to establish home ties, meaning convince immigration officials that you have reason to return to your home country.

So many legal obstacles can arise when you apply for or obtain a visa. Even after you acquire a visa, you can still get into trouble — for instance, if you stay in the United States after your visa’s expiration date without taking necessary steps to renew it. That’s why it’s always a good idea to stay closely connected to someone well-versed in U.S. immigration law.

Keep these things in mind

The following list includes issues and information that may apply to your current situation regarding visa application or other adjustment of status circumstances:

  • Remember that, no matter what your primary language happens to be, your interview and visa application process will take place using English; therefore, it’s critical that you learn to speak, read, understand and write English as well as you can.
  • When your interview isn’t about marriage validity, there is no reason to have a spouse or other immediate relative do your talking for you. It’s typically best if you speak for yourself, unless you are a minor or are in need of legal representation.
  • First impressions greatly matter when it comes to visa interviews. Your interviewer is trying to assess your situation in as little time as possible, so the more concise you can be in answering questions, the better.
  • If you want to study in the United States, you must be prepared to explain the courses you hope to take and how they apply to your future career goals.
  • If the consular denies your student visa, it’s best to avoid confrontation. You may politely ask for the reason the U.S. government is denying your visa in writing and also ask for information regarding how to overcome a negative decision.

There are many types of visas. Some immigrants come to Georgia to further their education while others wish to live and work in the U.S. under an employment-based status. Whether you need a business visa, student visa or hope to apply for full citizenship someday, it may be easier said than done unless you know where to seek support if a problem arises.

